How to Unlock a Pin-up Account | - Berita Terkini - Cepat, Lugas dan Akurat

How to Unlock a Pin-up Account

Editor: Redaksi
Kamis, 12 Oktober 2023 03:49 WIB - Any casino carefully makes sure that all users of the project do not violate the rules. The list of such prohibitions includes many aspects, ranging from playing under the age of majority to willful abuse of bonus offers.

Pin-up Casino is not a loyal platform, so before committing questionable actions you should familiarize yourself with the agreements. Otherwise, the violator's account will be permanently blocked. Let's take a look at the most popular violations and answer popular questions.

Why a Pin-up account can be blocked

When registering an account on the platform, each user agrees to the rules of the project. However, often no one familiarizes themselves with such legal documents, which can lead to unexpected blocking.

Among the most common blocking of Pin-up Casino accounts are multi-accounts, money laundering, insulting support operators, and verification of another person's documents.

Multi-accounts are the creation of multiple accounts by a single user. Often such scams are used to abuse bonus offers, which is a gross violation of Pin-up Casino community rules. It is quite easy to identify this scam, as each player has one IP address tied to him. In the case of logging in from one address to multiple account pages, blocking will not be long in coming.

If you are rude to the support operators, your account will be temporarily blocked or frozen for a certain period. When it comes to money laundering or other fraudulent schemes, the account is blocked permanently.

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