How to Unlock a Pin-up Account | - Berita Terkini - Cepat, Lugas dan Akurat

How to Unlock a Pin-up Account

Editor: Redaksi
Kamis, 12 Oktober 2023 03:49 WIB

The same applies to playing among teenagers who have confirmed their identity with someone else's documents. If this violation is detected, the user will permanently lose their account.

Can a deleted Pin-up account be recovered

If a user violated the rules of the Pin-up Casino community and received a permanent blocking, there is no way to regain access to the previous account. In this case, registration of a new account and further verification with the help of documents that were used to confirm the identity of the blocked account, will result in a repeated freeze.

Such restrictions are imposed only for the most gross violations, such as money laundering and attempt to defraud the platform. Such violations cannot be committed out of ignorance, so that the violator initially understands the possible consequences of his actions.

When it comes to the temporary freezing of a Pin-up Casino account, there is no need to worry about the further fate of the account. In case of blocking, the player receives a message with a detailed description of the reason, as well as the date of unfreezing.

In case of additional questions, you can always contact the platform's support team. Often, time limits are imposed for a relatively short period of time 1-4 weeks. Stay up to date on gambling news with


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